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Posted March, 2011 by Admin

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5. THERES JUST NO U'S. warning: shocking biter:gruntz Glimmerglass 3:28: thanks for the comment on "hunker down," which makes more sense than what I posted anon. 2:11. Glad to learn something new!I assumed wrongly that any word not in my Funk and Wagnalls 1963 was a new word. I do wonder if the meaning is "evolving. " By your earlier and more precise meaning one would "hunker down" to get over something unpleasant. Thus a team down four touchdowns would "hunker down" and wait for the game to end, so that it could begin to prepare for the more hopeful next game. But I do think the term is now used more for the team ahead. Perhaps for the winning team as well as for fans, the "hunkering down" involves the unpleasantness of not having any fun with interesting plays, etc. Both those ahead and those losing would, perhaps, want to avoid anything that could cause an injury, i.

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Posted February, 2011 by Admin

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